Miljan Cvetković


Miljan Cvetković received the doctoral degree from the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 2010. He is currently aa Associate Professor at the University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture. His research among includes agronomic and physiological aspects of modern fruit growing. He was engaged as a National Consultant for fruit production (2002 – 2004) though the project “Strengthening of fruit production to assist economic revitalization in Central Serbia and Sandzak”. He leads FP7 – FOCUS BALKAN project in Bosnia and Herzegovina „Food Consumer Science in the Balkans: Frameworks, Protocols and Networks for a better knowledge of food behaviors (2008-2011)”. He leads TEMPUS and ERASMUS+ project at the University of Banja Luka level. He spends 8 months at the Michigan State University and Oregon State University as Fulbright Scholar.