

Experiences in the realization of the VIRAL project are one of the topics of the round table

The Rectors’ Conference of the Republika Srpska is organizing a thematic round table, intended for the improvement of higher education. Among a number of topics, the results of the work on the Erasmus + project VIRAL will be presented. The topic “Need, challenges and difficulties of participation in international educational projects of the European Union […]


Successful realization of the hackathon is the basis for continued cooperation

During the realization of the three hackathons in Banja Luka, Mostar and Nikšić, more than 150 participants participated directly and indirectly. Students, professors, representatives of the business-sector, technology parks and others contributed to this competition becoming the basis for further cooperation. Take a look at what it looked like in the following video.


The hackathon gathered a large number of participants in Banja Luka

What was the atmosphere like during the two-day hackathon held in Banja Luka and how the students worked and socialized, you can see in the following video.


Students from a number of universities from the country and abroad are on the hackathon in Nikšić

Hackathons are a great opportunity to meet colleagues from other universities and establish cooperation. You can see what it looked like in Nikšić and what the winners think about such events in their statements after the competition. You can see more details in the following videos:


In Mostar, students are satisfied with their participation in the hackathon

Students who participated in the hackathon in Mostar are satisfied not only with the work on solving significant problems in agriculture, but also with the two-day socializing. Look at what the winning teams worked on in the following attachments. You can see more details in the following videos:


The hackathon in Banja Luka was marked by the cooperation of students from three universities

How the students of the University of Banja Luka, the University of Tuzla and the University of Bijeljina cooperated during the two days of the hackathon and what solutions they came up with, see the presentation of the three winning teams. For more details, you can watch following videos:


The Steering Committee decided to extend the project

During the meeting in Maribor, the Steering Committee of the VIRAL project discussed a number of points of importance for the further realization of the project. Of special importance was the decision to initiate the procedure for the non-cost extension of the project. The realization of the project itself was also discussed, as well as […]


At the meeting in Maribor, the next steps in organizing the EXPO event were agreed

Activities on the VIRAL project continued with the organization of a two-day workshop and meeting in Maribor in the period 07-08.09.2021. The meeting was hosted by the University of Maribor. The meeting focused on the implementation of the project so far, the continuation of activities within the WP2 work package, as well as the continuation […]


After the summer break, work will continue in Maribor

Continuation of activities on the VIRAL project will be realized by organizing a workshop and meeting in Maribor in the period 07-08.09.2021. The host of the meeting is the University of Maribor. The meeting will focus on the implementation of the project so far, the continuation of activities within the WP2 work package, as well […]