
VIRAL supported the conference of agronomists of Republika Srpska

On Saturday, February 26th, 2022 the 28th Conference of Agronomists of the Republic of Srpska was held at the Faculty of Agriculture with the support of the VIRAL project. The topic of the conference was “Modern mechanisation and the use of information technology in agriculture (agenda)”. The moderator of the event was prof. dr. Miljan Cvetkovic. Petar Nikolić, Msc, spoke about the VIRAL project. The importance of adapting sprinklers to the geometry of the canopy to fruit production was presented by prof. dr. Zoran Maličević. The use of aircraft in agriculture was the topic of prof. dr. Zdenka Babić (presentation), while assoc. prof. Yuri Rakun spoke about modern devices for plant protection and precise application of pesticides (presentation). Professor Florin Stanica commented on modern technologies in fruit growing (presentation). The special significance of this year’s conference is the participation of representatives of John Deere, who presented the level of new technologies that this company uses in its equipment (presentation). The workshop was attended by about 40 participants, mostly agronomists and producers.