
Preparations for the Viral hackathon in Banja Luka are beginning

At the end of May, within the VIRAL project, in which the Bijeljina University is one of the partners, a student competition – hackathon (STUDENT PITCHING COMPETITIONS – HACKATHONS) is organized in Banja Luka for students of the universities of Banja Luka, Tuzla and Bijeljina. In order to acquaint the students with the upcoming hackathon, on April 26, 2021 (Monday) starting at 09.30 at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Bijeljina University, an information workshop will be organized to animate students to participate in the hackathon. Apart from the participants from the Bijeljina University, which is one of the partners in the project, the workshop will be attended by the representatives of the Innovation Center Banja Luka and the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Banja Luka. The workshop is a unique opportunity for students to get acquainted with the characteristics of hackathons and the application process, as well as all other issues of interest. The workshop will be held with maximum respect for epidemiological measures.

For more information: aleksandar.zivotic.bn@gmail.com